"Freedom" premiered in May 2011 during a summer concert and was heavily promoted by the girls throughout the UK. The song was praised by critics, however, due to the intense controversy still surrounding the girl band, the lack of radio support, and worry that the single would fail in the charts, the single was canceled. Shortly following the cancellation of the single, the girls went on "hiatus" only later to find out that the band had disbanded. "Freedom" was the final single to be released by the Sugababes before their official reformation under the Sugababes name in 2019.
PS. I'm a huge Sugababes fan and have everything they have released. Personally, I think a campaign should be started to have RCA UK release the shelved eighth studio album. The second single was apparently titled, "Hard" (this was confirmed by Jade Ewen during an interview).
DL: http://gestyy.com/etFfQP
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